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Digital Feather Touch Brows

Feather touch tattoo is a semi-permanent process (unlike the old fashioned “block tattooing” of the past) whereby pigment is skilfully inserted just under the outer layer of the skin – the Dermis. The Skin Studio by Emma James specialise in digital machine work – NOT Microblading – and practise a ‘Feather touch’ technique that has the ability to look completely natural when blended amongst existing hair or none at all. The feathering motion mimics real brow hair and can be individually customised to suit your preferences.


No two brows are the same, nor are our faces completely symmetrical, which is why our technicians design each and every brow to suit the individual. By carefully analysing your face shape, bone structure, skin type, hair colour and individual features we can create a design that will complement and enhance your natural beauty. 


Depending on your requirements, the brows can be subtly coloured or completely remodelled as each new strand is intricately etched into the skin under ultra-precise magnification, weaving microscopic simulated hair strokes among your natural ones in a bespoke pigment blend to lift and define your brows.


We would recommend coming in and seeing us for a consultation (redeemable against the full procedure cost) before making a booking to discuss any questions and see a potential shape designed by our technician. In this time it allows us to explain what technique, shape and colours will be best suited for you as an individual and will help you to make your decision more confidently moving forward.

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